Phrasal verbs con «TAKE»

Sumergirse en el mundo de los phrasal verbs en inglés puede parecer como adentrarse en un laberinto lingüístico, sobre todo para los hablantes de español. Nuestra lengua no cuenta con una estructura similar, lo que convierte a estos peculiares verbos en un desafío, pero también en una oportunidad. Un ejemplo de esto son los phrasal verbs con ‘take’, que adquiere nuevos y sorprendentes significados cuando se combina con preposiciones o adverbios.

Pero, ¿cómo nos enfrentamos a este titán de los phrasal verbs? Como con cualquier reto, el truco está en abordarlo paso a paso. Así que vamos a adentrarnos juntos en el universo de los phrasal verbs con ‘take’, uno de los verbos que más combinaciones de este tipo permite.

Take sb. aback

  • Definición: Sorprender o desconcertar a alguien.
  • Ejemplo:

His sudden decision took us all aback.
I was completely taken aback by her honesty.
The news of his sudden death took me aback.

Take after sb./sth.

  • Definición: Parecerse a un familiar en apariencia o en comportamiento.
  • Ejemplo:

She really takes after her mother.
He takes after his father in his love for sports.
Do you think she takes after her side of the family?

Take sb. along

  • Definición: Llevar a alguien o algo contigo.
  • Ejemplo:

Can I take my friend along to the party?
Don’t forget to take your umbrella along, it might rain later.
I always take a book along when I travel.

Take sth. apart

  • Definición: Desmontar algo en piezas más pequeñas.
  • Ejemplo:

He took the car apart to find the problem.
The engineer took apart the machine to investigate the issue.
He took the clock apart to see how it works.

Take sth./sb. away

  • Definición: Eliminar o quitar algo. También se utiliza para referirse a comida para llevar, siempre como sustantivo.
  • Ejemplo:

Let’s order some takeaway. (sustantivo)
The new law might take away some of our rights.
I want to take away these old books.

Take sth. back

  • Definición: Devolver algo, o admitir que uno se equivocó en algo que dijo o hizo.
  • Ejemplo:

I take back what I said earlier.
You should take the dress back if it doesn’t fit.
He had to take back his words after learning the truth.

Take sth. down

  • Definición: Derribar algo, escribir notas o quitar algo de un sitio.
  • Ejemplo:

Take down this message for me, please.
They had to take the old building down to make space for the new one.
She was taking notes down during the lecture.

Take sb. for

  • Definición: Considerar a alguien o algo de una cierta manera, a menudo incorrectamente.
  • Ejemplo:

I took him for an honest man.
I took the noise for thunder, but it was a truck.
He was so quiet, I took him for being shy.

Take sth./sb. in

  • Definición: Entender o asimilar información, o acoger a alguien en tu casa.
  • Ejemplo:

I couldn’t take in all the information at once.
They took in a stray dog that was wandering in the street.
He took the view in before continuing his hike.

Take sth. off

  • Definición: Quitarse algo que uno está usando, o referirse al despegue de un avión.
  • Ejemplo:

She took off her coat.
The plane takes off at 8 am.
He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

Take off (for)

  • Definición: Irse de un sitio o marcharse para un lugar.
  • Ejemplo:

He got his jacket and took off.
She took off for Paris yesterday.
took off for a weekend getaway.

Take sb./sth. on

  • Definición: Asumir una responsabilidad o reto, o contratar a alguien para un trabajo.
  • Ejemplo:

We are taking on new staff this month.
She’s taken on too much work this semester.
The team is ready to take on the challenge.

Take sb./sth. out

  • Definición: Sacar algo de un lugar, eliminar algo, o invitar a alguien a salir.
  • Ejemplo:

He took her out for dinner.
Please, take out the trash when you leave.
They had to take out a tree to build the new house.

Take sth. over

  • Definición: Tomar el control de algo.
  • Ejemplo:

He took over the family business.
The new manager will take over next month.
They’re planning to take over the neighbouring store to expand their business.

Take round

  • Definición: Llevar algo o a alguien a diferentes lugares o personas.
  • Ejemplo:

He took the documents round to the director’s office.
She took her new puppy round to meet the neighbours.
They took round the party invitations to their friends.

Take sb. through

  • Definición: Explicar detalladamente a alguien cómo hacer algo.
  • Ejemplo:

Can you take me through the process again?
She took the new employee through all the necessary procedures.
He took us through the steps of the new dance routine.

Take to sth.

  • Definición: Comenzar a hacer algo regularmente, o empezar a gustarte algo.
  • Ejemplo:

She has taken to gardening during the lockdown.
He took to his new teacher immediately.
I have taken to drinking a cup of tea each morning.

Take sth. up

  • Definición: Comenzar un nuevo hobby o ocupación, o aceptar una oferta o invitación.
  • Ejemplo:

He took up golf last year.
I’ve decided to take up your offer of help.
She’s taken up knitting to pass the time.

Take sth. upon

  • Definición: Asumir responsabilidad sobre algo.
  • Ejemplo:

She took it upon herself to finish the project.
He took upon the task of cleaning the entire house.
The leader took upon the responsibility of guiding his team.

Take up with

  • Definición: Comenzar a pasar tiempo con una persona o un grupo, a menudo uno que no es bien visto.
  • Ejemplo:

He took up with a group of musicians.
She took up with a questionable crowd during college.
Since his friends moved away, he’s
taken up with some new people.

Descarga los phrasal verbs con TAKE en PDF

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Espero que esta publicación te haya resultado útil. Si es así, no olvides compartirla con tus amigos y familia. 🙂

Nos veremos en el próximo post. Hasta entonces, don’t forget to keep smiling!

Picture of Luis @ KSE Academy

Luis @ KSE Academy

Luis Porras Wadley is the owner and director of KSE Academy, an English academy and official Cambridge Exam Preparation Centre based in Granada. As an English teacher, Luis has been preparing Cambridge candidates successfully for more than ten years. He is the author of some successful test preparation books, including Speaking First, Speaking CAE, Speaking CPE, Use of English C1 and The Ultimate B2 First Writing Guide.

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