C2 Proficiency (CPE): Reading

2 comentarios en “C2 Proficiency (CPE): Reading”

  1. Hello, Luis,

    I was just wondering if you have published a CPE writing guide?
    I found your The Ultimate B2 writing guide helpful.

    I am also a native English teacher here in Spain and have found your material useful.


    1. Luis @ KSE Academy

      Hi, Marianne. Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I haven’t. I recently published one for C1. You can see it here: https://shop.kseacademy.com/

      I have published one for C2 Speaking. It’s available on Amazon, here: https://books.kseacademy.com/speaking-cpe

      Eventually, I will publish something for C2 writing, but I’m working on other things at the moment.

      Let me know if you need anything else. Feel free to contact me through the contact form. 🙂

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